Completing Milestone 2 of your Scholar Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide

Milestone 2 is a crucial step on the Scholar Journey, focusing on developing specific skills and competencies relevant to today's workforce. This article provides a guide on how to complete Milestone 2 of the Scholar Journey.

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Step 1: What are the Milestone 2 Requirements?

Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the specific requirements for Milestone 2. These requirements include:

  • Completing the VTOP Career and Self-Development module and
  • Submitting your Virginia Ready Career Plan 
  • Within 30 days of your application being approved! 

Warning: The VTOP Career and Self-Development module must be completed before submitting your Virginia Ready Career Plan. 

Step 2: Access the Course Platform

You must create an account with the Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (Please click here for the link.) You will need to enroll in the Developing Career Readiness Skills course

Tip: Be sure to complete your VTOP enrollment process correctly for progress monitoring!  Please click here to watch this video for guidance.

Step 3: Begin with the Introduction and Overview

Start by completing the course foundation. This section will provide context on operating the course platform and set the stage for your learning journey. Please note the foundation course must be completed to unlock the rest of the modules

Step 4: Complete the Career and Self-Development module

The Career and Self-development module is divided into sub-modules, each focusing on specific aspects of personal and professional growth. You must complete all the assignments in this module within 30 days of becoming a Virginia Ready Scholar. 

Tip: You will know you have completed the module successfully when you complete a reflection on Module 1 and see a congratulations message. There will also be a checkmark beside “Module 1: Career and Self-Development” in the “Modules” section of your VTOP account.

Step 5: How to Submit the Virginia Ready Career Plan 

After you have completed the Career and Self-Development module, 

log in to your Scholar Portal to access your Career Plan. Take your time to complete each question of your Career Plan thoughtfully. Once you complete it, please certify your answers and hit submit. The Career Plan must be submitted after you have completed the Career and Self-development module and within 30 days of becoming a Virginia Ready Scholar. 

Click here in your Scholar Portal!

Please click here for more information on how your Career Plan will be evaluated. 

Note: Your Career Plan and VTOP Module 1 completion will be reviewed by our team once you submit. It will take approximately 1-2 weeks for our review, and we will let you know by email if you have passed Milestone 2.

Step 6: Celebrate Your Success

Once you have completed Milestone 2, take a moment to celebrate your achievements! Recognize the hard work and dedication you've put into advancing your skills and competencies for a brighter future.


Completing Milestone 2 of the Scholar Journey is a significant accomplishment on your voyage toward a successful career in a high-demand industry. By following these steps and staying committed to your goals, you'll be well-prepared to take on the challenges and opportunities ahead of you. Keep building on this foundation as you continue your professional development and strive for excellence in your chosen field.

Happy learning!